In Resonance with Jasmuheen
141 Begin:-
Beloved God most high of the most high universe, beloved mighty I AM Presence,my monad, I AM that I AM, beloved beings of light who work for my highest goodand the highest good of humanity and all sentient beings ...-
I am the monad, I am the light divine, I am love, I am will, I am fixed design ...-
I hereby ask and pray for your collective help in the following ascension meditation.-
I hereby call forth an all-powerful cylinder of cosmic light substance to serve as aninvincible shield of protection throughout this meditation and throughout my life ingeneral.-
I ask that this cylinder of light be absolutely invulnerable and invincible to all that isnot of God and the Christ light.-
Within this large cylinder I now visualize a smaller cylinder the circumference of myhead, now moving upward from my crown chakra, up through my soul, up throughmy monad – my I AM Presence – up through all vibrations of my being back toSource.-
Visualize this connection being made. (Take three deep breaths.)-
Know that the All is within and is without.-
This tube of light is a rainbow bridge connecting you to all levels of your being fromthe physical to the vibrational fields of your I AM, your God Self. Visualize itmoving down through your seven chakras, then to the centre of the Earth.-
See yourself as a channel, a conduit for energies from the God Source to flowthrough into the Earth, assisting the planet in her ascension, by bringing into her centre pure frequencies of the Source. (Take three deep breaths.)-
Feel the presence of Oneness in your being.-
Chant the sacred name – AUM – the sacred sound of the creative force of God seventimes and send it up through the rainbow bridge back to Source.-
Feel this vibration of AUM throughout your being as you chant it, realigning you,tuning you.-
Chant AUM seven times.-
Take three deep breaths and remain silent as you feel these vibrations.-
Call forth from God and the creative force a pillar of pure golden white light and seeit fill your cylinder of protection.-
When it is filled, let the light spill over and fill your physical body, your etheric body, your emotional body, your mental body, your spiritual body, all the energyfields of all your bodies.-
Feel the golden white light of the Mahatma energies flood every cell of your being.These energies are the purest and holiest known in all the universes and embody allconsciousness back to the Source.-
Let these energies fill every organ.-
Instruct this light to fill your pineal gland, your pituitary gland, your thyroid gland,your thymus gland, your adrenal glands, your gonadic and sexual glands. Let theMahatma energies fill your seven glands and your entire being with light.-
Take three deep breaths.
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